These sessions are experiential, collaborative, and dynamic.
3 steps to authenticity and 7 principles of self-mastery
Dr. Sapiro offers training and skill-building in:
- Pursing the heart’s desires for transformation and thriving
- Increasing self-awareness
- Learning meditation practices (mindfulness, concentration, insight, loving awareness, etc)
- Fostering self-love and self-compassion
- Questioning your limiting beliefs and creating healthier ones
- Becoming an ally to one’s self rather than a harsh critic
- Building sustainable self-care habits
- Identifying and bolstering strengths
- Identifying intentions for growth and development
- Setting reasonable and attainable goals
- Mastering mindful communication skills
- Regulating the nervous system and building internal strength through breathing practices
- Recognizing and developing intuitive abilities (telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, etc)
- Developing deep sustainable hope and creating positive future orientation
- Connecting to Nature and ancestors as a source of strength
- Integrating all of this learning into a lifestyle
In general we meet 2x a month for 60 mins.
Please contact Dr. Mike for cost
Individual sessions or 6 month Coaching program available